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If you’ve already spoken with your GP about possible Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) symptoms and don’t feel you’re making progress, then the next thing you can do is take one of our home test kits. These test for the causes of UTIs and can give you an idea of what might be wrong, as well as giving you information you can take to your GP, along with recommendations for treatment.

While our Focus Medical Clinic is currently not taking on any new patients directly, a referral form completed by your GP / Specialist is a good way for us to weigh into the discussion of your treatment options in an official capacity at an affordable additional cost. 

How it works

Download and our referral form. This allows us to provide you with medical advice that your GP can follow.

Give the form to your GP, and request it is completed and returned to us. You can take it with you to an in-person appointment, or send it to them if they prefer.

We can then provide official medical advice that your GP can act on to directly address your symptoms based on our recommendations.

Do you have questions about referrals?

Feel free to contact us for answers to your quesitons.